Civil Law-Dr. Adriano Sobreira

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  • +(85) 3273.2184
  • Civil Law

    Under the civil law, we provide our services in the areas of the law of obligations and contracts, torts, law of things (possessory actions, adverse possession, condominium, expropriation, neighborhood rights, etc.), family law (marriage, stable, divorce and dissolution of stable Union, food, custody, visitation, paternity, adoption, guardianship and custodianship, etc.) and law of successions (inventory and sharing, sequestration, petition of inheritance , wills, etc.)

    Under the civil law, we provide our services in the following areas:

    • law of obligations and contracts;
    • civil liability;
    • law of things (possessory actions, adverse possession, condominium, expropriation, neighborhood rights, etc.);
    • family law (marriage, stable, divorce and dissolution of stable Union, food, custody, visitation, paternity, adoption, guardianship and custodianship, etc.);
    • probate law (inventory and sharing, sequestration, petition of inheritance, Testaments, etc.).

    We have extensive experience and expertise in this sector too, qualifying immensely our services both in the legal sphere as in court, including mediation and arbitration.